In the small town of Thurston, Australia, a young woman named Vicki is raped and brutalized. When her sister, Miriam, discovers what has happened, she sets out on a mission of revenge to bring the perpetrators to justice. Along the way, Miriam encounters corrupt cops, societal hypocrisy, and chauvinism, but she remains strong and determined.
An agent finds himself pitted against a former Nazi who has a plan to become ruler of the world through mind control.
Klinkaart is a drama movie set in the 1900s in Holland. It follows the story of a woman who lives in an attic and works in a brick factory. She faces sexual harassment at work and the film portrays her struggles and painful memories. Narrated by the lead character, the movie includes flashbacks within flashbacks, highlighting the oppression and cruelty she endures. It explores themes of loss of innocence and the corrupting influence of society. This thought-provoking film is based on a novel.
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