Skies of Lebanon is a part-animated movie that takes place in 1970s Lebanon during the civil war. It tells the story of a Lebanese nurse who falls in love with a Swiss woman, and their relationship is tested as the war escalates. The movie explores themes of family, love, and the struggles of living in a war-torn country.
In the midst of the Lebanese Civil War, a 12-year-old boy mysteriously disappears, leaving his family and community devastated. As the search for the missing boy unfolds, the film explores the themes of survival, morality, and the horrors of war.
Whispers is a documentary that explores the history of Lebanon and the challenges it faced during the Lebanese Civil War. Through the eyes of a war photographer and a one-legged boy, the film takes viewers on a journey through ruined cities, sewing factories, and dance rehearsals. It captures the optimism and entrepreneurship of the Lebanese people as they strive to rebuild their country in the year 1980.
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