Mirai follows the story of a young boy named Kun, who feels forgotten when his little sister Mirai arrives. But one day, he discovers a magical garden that allows him to travel through time and meet his relatives from different eras. Through these encounters, Kun learns valuable lessons about family, love, and growing up.
In a rural setting in Quebec, Canada, a teenage girl named Mylia navigates the challenges of her new school and the tension within her family. She faces bullying from her classmates and tries to find her place in this unfamiliar environment. As she deals with issues like sister-sister relationships, makeup, parties, and more, Mylia also learns to ride a bicycle and finds solace in her own little world. A coming-of-age story with a strong female protagonist.
Set during World War I, The Man Who Saved Christmas follows the story of a patriotic inventor and toymaker who is determined to bring joy to children despite the challenges of war. Amidst strained relationships and a war effort, he works tirelessly to create innovative toys and promote war bonds. Through his perseverance and love for his country, he becomes an inspiration to others and saves Christmas for countless children.
Sixteen-year-old Cassie Robbins is a spirited teenage girl, who loves her father Richard and stepmother Mel and dotes on her six-year-old half-brother Willy. But her carefree, happy life is forever changed when she is diagnosed with leukeamia and her only hope of a cure lies in a bone-marrow transplant. However, when Willy proves to be a match, Mel is not-so-willing to allow her young son to undergo surgery as he nearly died the last time he was operated on after reacting badly to the anaesthetic. Mel and Richard now have to decide if it right to risk the life of one of their children to save the life of the other child. And of Willy's own rights in deciding if he should help the sister he hero-worships...?
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