Great Expectations follows Pip, a young orphan who encounters an escaped convict in a graveyard. He is later approached by a wealthy spinster named Miss Havisham to be a playmate for her adopted daughter Estella. As Pip grows older, he discovers that he has inherited a fortune from an unknown benefactor and moves to London to become a gentleman. However, his newfound wealth puts a strain on his relationships and leads him on a journey of self-discovery.
Oliver Twist is a young orphan boy who finds himself in Victorian England. He must navigate the harsh realities of poverty, an orphanage, and a criminal gang led by Fagin. As Oliver tries to find his place in the world, he encounters various challenges and dangers, including child abuse and the pursuit of his true identity.
In the 1920s, a British woman accuses an Indian man of rape. A young British law student is sent to investigate the case and is caught in the conflicts between the British and Indian cultures.
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