Inspired by a true story, Christmas Cottage follows the life of a struggling artist named Thomas Kinkade as he faces foreclosure on his family's home. With the help of his mentor, Thomas works to create a masterpiece that will save his house and bring the holiday spirit back to his small town.
A woman discovers an old photograph and embarks on a journey to find the person in it. Along the way, she falls in love and learns the true meaning of Christmas.
Porky and Daffy are workers at an aircraft company and are chronically late. Why? Because they have a great deal of trouble getting to sleep, between the noisy cats, the full moon shining insistently, and the sudden rain shower (and leak in the roof).
This film explores the distant relationship between an elderly amateur musician, the woman who lives in the apartment above him, and the leaky bathtub that is bothering them both.
In 1923, in a cheap Tokyo rooming house, a languid young man named Goda was feeling bored with his life. One day while playing dress up with a woman’s wig and lipstick, he accidentally loosens a ceiling board in his closet. Climbing up, he discovers a dimly lit passageway under the roof leading to the resident’s other rooms. Soon he is scampering about like a ninja, making knotholes and moving ceiling boards for a better view. What he sees are the intimate acts - sadistic, criminal or vaguely mad - that reveal infinitely more about his fellow roomers than the various fronts they present to the world.
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