Arcane is a mature animated TV show that takes place in the war-torn city of Piltover and the underground of Zaun. It explores the origins of iconic champions from the popular video game League of Legends, featuring a strong-female-lead, magic, supernatural-fantasy, and epic-action.
A documentary about the journey of Faker, the greatest League of Legends player in history.
GAMECHANGERS: Dreams of Blizzcon enters the unexplored realm of professional esports through the eyes of two of the world’s top StarCraft II players.
Good Game: The Beginning follows the story of a teenage boy who aspires to become a professional gamer. With the help of his friends and a dedicated coach, he navigates the challenges of esports competitions, friendships, and coming-of-age. Together, they strive to win the ultimate trophy in the league of legends.
League of Legends: Więcej niż gra (2020) is a documentary that delves into the world of the popular game League of Legends, exploring its impact on the esports community and the championship events organized by Riot Games.
This is the League of Legends Warriors video made by Abdullah Saleem and Abdulwahab Al Harran. All Rights Reserved (Hamad Al Sub) Ahme. ("I think kfaya" -Mohmed Rom)
This is a official League of Legends: Wild Rift animation published by Riot Games China. It tells the story of a rich girl, Lux, who moves to Valoran Town to start an independent life to escape the control of her brother Garen. This is the hilarious daily story of the stubborn and troublesome Jinx, the malevolent and cute Veigar, and the narcissistic and romantic Ezreal becoming roommates.
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