In order to protect an ordinary businessman, Tsukasa Atsumi, from demons, a genius kunoichi, Shizuri Ideura, signs a master-servant contract with him on the condition that she stays with him. Despite her cool appearance of defeating demons, Shizuri is an otaku NEET who spends all her time playing video games. While Shizuri is spoiled by Tsukasa and leads a lazy cohabitation life, the quirky Kunoichi gather together.
Tamako, a lazy girl in a small town, lives a carefree life. However, when her older sister moves out and her father starts dating someone new, Tamako begins to experience changes in her life. She explores her hobbies, including photography, and forms new relationships.
The careless and lazy girl went to the circus not fulfilled the homework. In the arena, the clown-magician suggested that the children replace the incorrectly written word "well-known". It soon became clear that this was a very easy task for all the guys except our heroine. It was her who magician invited to the arena and asked to write the word correctly, but she did not cope with the task. Circus performers began to shame the girl, even brought her to tears. But her classmate, an excellent student, could not stand it, ran into the arena and directly stated that she would not allow them to offend her friend. She promised to work with her.
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