Angel in My Pocket is a comedy movie set in a small town in Kansas. The plot revolves around an expectant father who faces a series of comedic mishaps as he navigates the challenges of impending parenthood. From dealing with a busybody mother-in-law to a lazy brother-in-law, the protagonist's life takes unexpected turns. The movie also explores themes of family feuds, mayoral elections, and even a burlesque show. With elements of comedy, drama, and romance, Angel in My Pocket provides an entertaining look into the life of an expectant father in a quirky small town.
When his wife threatens to leave him because of his notoriously bad temper, Edgar promises that there will be no more tantrums.
Edgar Kennedy and his family open a home decorating service, even though they have no clue what they are doing. The day of their first job, they make the mistake of going to the wrong house. The man of the house is not pleased with all the noise they are making and spends most of his time punching Edgar throughout the film.
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