True Colors is a drama film that follows the story of two college roommates who take divergent paths in life. One becomes a successful, corrupt politician while the other remains true to his principles and works for the Department of Justice. Their friendship is tested as they navigate the world of politics, corruption, and personal sacrifices.
After their best man unexpectedly dies, a newlywed couple must navigate the aftermath of his death while uncovering secrets and dealing with unexpected situations.
The Great Buck Howard follows a law school dropout named Troy, who becomes the personal assistant to Buck Howard, a temperamental and washed-up magician. As Troy navigates his new job, he discovers the highs and lows of the entertainment industry while witnessing Buck Howard's eccentric behavior and relentless pursuit of success. With comedic moments and heartfelt interactions, the movie explores themes of ambition, success, and personal growth.
In this fresh retelling of the famed Ancient Roman poet's life set in contemporary Detroit, the young Ovid finds his life in danger when he clashes with the emperor by writing a guide to love and seduction.
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