In this final installment of the Fifty Shades series, Anastasia and Christian navigate married life, facing new challenges as their past comes back to haunt them. Jealousy, revenge, and secrets threaten to tear them apart, while they must also adjust to the responsibilities and expectations of their new roles. Will their love be strong enough to withstand the trials ahead?
Set in 1940s Kenya, White Mischief follows the story of a wealthy British expatriate community indulging in a hedonistic and decadent lifestyle. When a murder trial uncovers secrets and revenge, marriages are tested and alliances are broken in this captivating period drama.
A perfectionist poet falls for an energetic Chinese man who teaches her the importance of life's imperfections.
A successful entrepreneur offers his wasteful son one last chance to turn things around by starting his own business. Here's the catch: his trusted employee must closely monitor him to make the most of this opportunity.
In the villa of the party dignitary, the fates of Stanisław, his son's friends, Zbyszek, a worker leaving the army, and the head of the thieves' gang, cross. The film was shelved by the censors for 27 years before finally getting a limited release in 2009.
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