A slave-turned-gladiator named Milo finds himself in a race against time to save his beloved, Cassia, who has been promised to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts, Milo must navigate the crumbling city of Pompeii and fight to survive, all while trying to rescue Cassia from her captor. In the end, Milo and Cassia are tragically consumed by the volcanic eruption, but their love remains eternal in the form of plaster casts.
When a volcano unexpectedly erupts in downtown Los Angeles, a team of scientists and firefighters must race against time to save the city from destruction. As the lava flows and buildings crumble, they face numerous challenges and dangers in their mission to protect the people and find a way to stop the eruption.
When the Great Valley experiences a drought, Littlefoot and his friends embark on a journey to find water and save their home. Along the way, they encounter danger, make new friends, and learn valuable lessons about loyalty and bravery.
In the ancient city of Atlantis, a volcano erupts, causing the end of the Minoan civilization. As the island sinks into the sea, the survivors must find a way to escape. Meanwhile, a young priestess discovers her true powers and must navigate the chaos to save her people.
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