Charmed (2018) follows the lives of three half-sisters, Macy, Mel, and Maggie, who discover they are witches with unique powers. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they also face various supernatural threats, including demons and dark magic. Together, they must learn to harness their powers and work as a team to protect their loved ones and the world from evil.
Follows Nell Serrano, broke, newly single and feeling old, who is working to restart the life and career she left behind 10 years ago.
In Grace Stirs Up Success, a young girl named Grace decides to enter a baking competition in the hopes of winning a trip to Paris. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about friendship, family, and finding her true passion.
In the action-packed movie "The Disciples," a black-male-protagonist police officer teams up with a Latina-protagonist martial artist to combat a ruthless criminal organization. Fueled by determination and driven by their shared goal, they face brutal violence and gunshots along the way.
The Garden Left Behind is a drama film set in New York City, following the journey of a young transgender woman named Tina. Tina is an immigrant from Mexico who is in the process of gender transition. She faces various challenges, including discrimination, transphobia, and the struggle to find acceptance from her family and society. Through her relationships with her grandmother, friends, and lovers, Tina learns to embrace her true self and fight for transgender rights.
A romantic drama/detective story about big-time copyright fraud and a bigger-time crush. A complicated love triangle plays out to a dramatic climax, taking us from a strip mall somewhere in the glaring dust of Los Angeles County to a dark forest in Germany.
Red Velvet Girls is a darkly sensual coming of age story about love and rebellion. Julia is in love with the human she has grown up with and this has greatly influenced the way she feels about her own kind - Andalusian Vampires.
Felipa, a first-generation American girl, dreams of becoming a teacher. Her first pupil is her uncle, who she tutors in English so he can get a driver's license and a better job.
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