The Cuckoo is a movie set in Lapland during World War II. The story revolves around a Captain, a Finnish woman, and a Russian soldier who are all forced to coexist in a small cabin. Despite their language barriers and cultural differences, they learn to understand and rely on each other, forming a unique bond. The movie explores themes of friendship, patriotism, and the effects of war on individuals.
In the year 1000, a young man in the Middle Ages seeks revenge for the tragic event that took place in his village. He embarks on a journey through the treacherous wilderness of Lapland, facing snowstorms, dangerous wildlife, and a band of ruthless killers. Along the way, he learns the art of survival and the true meaning of family.
The meticulous Fabin Bom is called up for military service in the airforce.
Examines the extraordinary lifelong friendship between Skolt Sámi storyteller Kaisa Gauriloff and the Swiss-Russian author Robert Crottet through the eyes of Gauriloff’s great-granddaughter Katja.
In 1986, a nuclear accident in Chernobyl threatens the livelihood of the indigenous Sami people and their reindeer, highlighting the dangers of nuclear power.
About changes in the Sami living conditions. Traditional remarking and untouched nature mixed with images of brutal industrialist attacks in the landscape.
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