Duma is the story of an orphaned cheetah named Duma and his friendship with a young boy named Xan. Together, they embark on a journey through the African wilderness, facing challenges and forming a deep bond. Along the way, they encounter various adventures, including a crashed motorcycle, a desert, and a crocodile. Duma also deals with themes of love, loss, and the importance of family relationships.
In a seaside village in the 1900s, with a backdrop of levitation, strange disappearances, and stereotypes, the local policeman investigates a series of mysterious events involving cannibalism and love.
In this sports drama, a team of sailors compete in the America's Cup, facing challenges such as male chauvinism and sexual discrimination. They strive to overcome obstacles and win the prestigious race.
Big Wave is a documentary directed by Walt Mulconery and published on May 25, 1984 that presents the types of outdoor and risky sports present on the west coast of the United States such as paragliding, surfing, skydiving, bmx or the BASE jumping together with others, going from Hawaii to Texas through California to present them.
Anderssonskans Kalle is the typical 'Söderkis'. It's a boy growing up on Söder in Stockholm and he is very fond of practical jokes. His mother sees him as a good natured boy but his victims, mostly the local policeman and two old crones in the same house, see him as the devil himself.
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