The White Princess is a TV mini-series set during the 16th century in England. It revolves around the political conflicts, court intrigues, and the epic history of the War of the Roses. The story follows the life of a princess caught in the middle of the battle for power between the houses of York and Lancaster.
A world leading team of ultra-low temperature physicists at Lancaster University decided to place a LEGO figure and four LEGO blocks inside their record-breaking dilution refrigerator. This machine - specially made at the University - is the most effective refrigerator in the world, capable of reaching 1.6 millidegrees above absolute zero (minus 273.15 Centigrade), which is about 200,000 times colder than room temperature and 2,000 times colder than deep space.
Delve into the fascinating story of the British royal family, the House of Windsor, from its origins in Anglo-Saxon times to the present day. Discover iconic monarchs, significant events, and the enduring legacy of the royal institution.
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