Brassic is a dark comedy TV show set in Lancashire, England. It follows a group of working-class friends who are involved in petty crime to make money. The show explores their schemes, friendships, and the challenges they face in their impoverished and unfulfilling lives. With a blend of humor and drama, Brassic offers an entertaining and gritty portrayal of life on the fringes of society.
The Bay is a crime drama TV show set in Morecambe, England. The story revolves around a female detective who is assigned to investigate a murder case. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a web of secrets and suspects. With the help of her team, she must solve the mystery and bring the criminal to justice. The show explores themes of police procedural crime, whodunnit mystery, and the challenges faced by a female protagonist in a male-dominated profession.
Granada Reports is a regional news programme for North West England and the Isle of Man, produced by ITV Granada.
Based on the true-life experiences of Dave Fishwick, 'Bank of Dave' follows a working class man from Burnley who becomes a self-made millionaire and fights against the elitist financial institutions of London to set up a community bank. With the help of a young lawyer and a feisty local doctor, he aims to support the local businesses and bring prosperity to his beloved community.
In Mark of the Witch, a woman is falsely accused of witchcraft and hanged in 1648. Over 300 years later, she is reincarnated and seeks revenge on those who wronged her. As she possesses the body of a college student, she unleashes her vengeful powers. The movie explores themes of the occult, revenge, and bodily possession.
The work done by men and women at the coal face and the pit head.
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