The Godfather Part II follows the saga of the Corleone family as they continue to navigate the world of organized crime. The movie explores themes of power, family, and betrayal, while delving into the backstory of Vito Corleone and his rise to power. Set in the 1950s and 1960s, the film takes viewers from the streets of New York to the casinos of Las Vegas and the revolution in Cuba.
An angel, Seth, falls in love with a doctor named Maggie. He decides to become human to be with her, but they face challenges due to their different worlds. Seth must make sacrifices for their relationship, ultimately leading to tragedy and grief.
In 'Dear Christmas,' a popular podcaster visits her hometown and discovers the magic of Christmas as she navigates a secret crush, a pregnant sister, and a live podcasting event. Will she find true love in her cozy Christmas surroundings?
Matilda is a young girl with extraordinary powers. Neglected by her parents, she discovers a love for books and uses her telekinetic abilities to stand up against her neglectful parents and the cruel headmistress of her school.
This Traveltalk series short opens with views of Nevada's natural wonders, then visits a mining town and a dude ranch. It's then on to Reno.
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