Smashed is a comedy-drama film that follows the story of Kate and Charlie, a young married couple who are both struggling with alcohol addiction. Their relationship is put to the test as they try to maintain their sobriety while dealing with the challenges that come with recovery. Through support groups and the help of a recovery sponsor, they strive to rebuild their lives and face the consequences of their past actions. Will their love be enough to overcome their addiction?
Beach party escapade features a bookworm with glasses who learns to "groove", as she attempts to sing "Ready to Groove."
An ambitious Hollywood assistant finds herself in a hellish, live-or-death situation when she agrees to live in isolation with an overbearing Method actor who wants an extreme experience far from civilization while preparing for his next role.
Solomon Ginsberg is the President of International Pictures Corporation and hires Joan McAllister, an unemployed stenographer, to double for his star, Laura Girard. While on a location trip, Laura is killed in an automobile accident, and in order to save the money already invested in the film Ginsberg, aided by the film's leading-man, Wallace Morely, with whom Joan is more than a little infatuated, persuades Joan to assume the identity of the dead actress, whose death is being concealed.
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