Donovan's Reef is a heartwarming movie set in Polynesia, involving adventure, comedy, and romance. The plot revolves around a war veteran and a colonial governor who reunite in Polynesia to celebrate Christmas. They face various hilarious challenges, including bar fights, beach adventures, and family reunions. The movie explores themes of love, family, and the laid-back Polynesian lifestyle.
When Susan, a film producer from NYC, goes to Jamaica to shoot a shampoo commercial, she finds herself, through a series of unforeseen circumstances, drifting further and further away from the world she knows and into the life of the island, a strange alternative reality that turns many of her previously held assumptions upside down.
Cool Cat, a hipster feline, drives in his dune buggy across the U.S. Southwestern desert and encounters a wacky Indian tribe.
Perry Henzell's feature NO PLACE LIKE HOME went unseen as the negative was thought lost for over 25 years. Found and restored, this 2019 release is a true cinema event. A beautiful film about a woman escaping her comfort zone, finding beauty, and rediscovering herself in an unfamiliar place can now be seen - with an incredible soundtrack handpicked by Henzell. It features songs performed by Bob Marley, Etta James, Carly Simon, Toots and The Maytals, Marcia Griffiths, Desmond Dekker and The Aces, The Sensations, The Three Degree, Ernest Ranglin, The Heptones, Nasio Fontaine, Lobo, Lord Messam and His Calypsonians, and a song recorded by P.J. Soles.
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