Mushi-Shi is a thought-provoking anime series set in a world where supernatural creatures called Mushi exist. Ginko, a travelling Mushi Master, travels from place to place, investigating and helping people affected by these enigmatic creatures. Each episode explores different encounters with Mushi, examining their impact on humans and nature. With stunning visuals and a haunting soundtrack, Mushi-Shi offers a unique blend of mystery, fantasy, and philosophical exploration.
When the Los Angeles Police Department is in need of strong leadership, straight-laced Sgt. Joe Friday and his unconventional partner Pep Streebeck stumble upon a dangerous criminal plot. Together, they must navigate the city's seedy underbelly and unravel the truth behind the crimes.
The Three Little Pups is a comedy family movie from 1953. The story follows three mischievous pups who constantly find themselves in trouble. They use a slingshot, a battering ram, and even a hand-grenade to cause chaos and mischief. Along the way, they encounter a dogcatcher, a wolf, and a bulldog who all try to catch them. The movie is filled with funny moments and hilarious antics.
Two good for nothing boys Jhumroo and Ghungroo are best examples of fools who keep roaming around the whole day. Their sole motive in life is to have fun, befriend girls, go to parties, get drunk and chill. They find impish ways to get in touch with girls. They are also desperate to get a job, but in their comical attempt they receive yet more embarrassment. After couple of disasters they get a job at a newly opened beauty parlor run by two smart girls. Their dream has come true. They are around girls all the time. But this is just the beginning of their hilarious trauma and a journey full of unexpected twists…. A roller-coaster ride for them and guffaws for viewers.
Where the Tumbleweeds Grow, a fusion of spaghetti-western grit and the laid-back charm of the Austin classic Dazed and Confused. Immerse yourself in the stunning cinematography, gripping storyline, and outstanding performances offering a fresh perspective on the timeless themes of the Old West in the context of the modern world.
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