In Batman: Hush (2019), Batman finds himself undergoing a personal crisis as a dangerous new villain, Hush, emerges in Gotham City. Batman's world turns upside down as Hush manipulates his allies and uncovers secrets from his past. With the help of Catwoman, Batman must unravel the mystery of Hush and save Gotham City from destruction.
When Superman and Batman are falsely accused of murder by President Lex Luthor, they must work together to prove their innocence and take down the corrupt leader. With the help of their superhero allies, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the entire world.
In this mature animation, Batman joins forces with a group of skilled martial artists to stop a powerful snake monster from another dimension. As they uncover a sinister clan's plan and face deadly challenges, they must confront their past and overcome personal demons. With kung-fu action, deity worship, and a cliffhanger ending, this period-piece superhero film is a thrilling journey into the world of Bruce Wayne.
When a threat from Atlantis arises, the DC Super Hero Girls must band together to save the day and prove that they have what it takes to be true superheroes.
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