In Tarantula, a small town in the southwest desert is plagued by a giant tarantula roaming the countryside. The creature was inadvertently created by a scientist's experiment, which caused a tarantula to grow to gigantic proportions. As the town is gripped by fear, a brave sheriff and a courageous newspaper reporter team up to stop the monstrous spider before it destroys everything in its path.
After a car crash, a surgeon's fiancée's head is severed but kept alive by the mad doctor. He searches for a new body to transplant the head onto, resorting to unethical experiments and ruthless practices.
Tesla: Master of Lightning is a movie that explores the life and work of Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor and electrical engineer. The film discusses his contributions to the development of alternating current (AC) electricity, his rivalry with Thomas Edison, and his groundbreaking experiments with wireless communication and energy transmission. It also delves into Tesla's personal life, including his eccentricities and struggles. Through archival footage, interviews, and reenactments, the movie sheds light on the remarkable achievements and the forgotten legacy of this brilliant scientist.
A scientist is disfigured in a laboratory accident and seeks revenge through extortion and blackmail.
In Shining Victory (1941), a female physician becomes embroiled in a tale of intellectual property theft, tragic romance, and medical ethics as she fights against plagiarism in the field of medical research. Set in the 1930s, the story follows the protagonist as she discovers a medical breakthrough and faces obstacles including a laboratory fire, obsessive love, and the loss of her fiancee in a fire. With themes of self-sacrifice, unrequited love, and the pursuit of justice, this drama delves into the challenges faced by a female physician in a male-dominated profession.
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