Kóblic is a modern-western crime thriller set in 1970s Argentina during the military dictatorship. The story follows a guilt-ridden pilot named Kóblic who becomes a fugitive after refusing to participate in state crimes. As he tries to escape his haunted past, Kóblic finds himself caught in a web of violence and must confront the dark secrets of his country's history.
La Pampa, Argentina. Don Genaro Gran hires gaucho Juan to capture horses and tame them. In his quest, Juan rescues a girl in trouble whose beauty unleashes Don Genaro's worst impulses.
La Pampa, Argentina. María, a teacher in a small town who is about to become a mother, decides to leave her violent husband to raise her child in a better place. A small incident triggers the beginning of her journey through the hostile desert.
An atmospheric and dreamy picture poem from Argentina's vast La Pampa region, where ancient stories of spirits are evoked in dark and evocative images between reality and the beyond.
A bitter postcard of the town of the Buenos Aires countryside that Argentinean writer Manuel Puig (1932-90) portrayed with singular mastery, based on his own land, a town named General Villegas. Its inhabitants never forgave him. However, a woman, owner of a painful and enigmatic past, will build a bridge between Coronel Vallejos, the town created by Puig, and the real General Villegas, trying to reconcile the place with the writer.
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