When Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion, five teenagers, who are infused with superhuman abilities, must harness their newfound powers to battle this threat - as the Power Rangers. In Cenozoic-era, six interplanetary warriors, the Power Rangers, are tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal...
In Dr. Dolittle 2, the veterinarian helps animals in a forest, including an endangered species of bear. He uses his ability to communicate with animals to protect them from dangerous situations.
Hope Gap is a drama/romance movie that tells the story of a married couple who begins to face unhappiness in their relationship. Their journey includes a marital separation and explores themes of loneliness, feeling like a failure, and suicidal thoughts. The plot also touches on other elements such as a childhood home, a yellow Labrador Retriever, a gay character, a Krispy Kreme, and a father-son relationship.
A Ballerina's Tale (2015) follows the story of a prima ballerina as she navigates through the challenges of stereotypes in the ballet industry. The documentary explores her focused dedication, pain tolerance, and making history in the ballet world. It also delves into her journey of overcoming a tibia fracture and the physical therapy she underwent to continue pursuing her passion. The film highlights her achievements with the American Ballet Theatre and captures her rise to success.
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