Detentionaire follows a teenage boy named Lee Ping who, on his first day of high school, is framed for a major prank and subsequently sentenced to a year-long detention. As he serves his sentence, Lee unravels a conspiracy involving mind control, secret societies, and a pyramid-shaped object called the Tazelwurm. With the help of his friends, Lee sets out to clear his name and uncover the truth behind the mystery.
A thirteen-year-old girl named Mei Lee is torn between staying her mother's dutiful daughter and the changes of adolescence. And as if the challenges were not enough, whenever she gets overly excited she transforms into a giant red panda. In 2002, Mei hides her personal interests from her strict mother, including her crush on a local convenience store clerk and being a fan of a boy band. One day, she wakes up transformed into a red panda and discovers that she only transforms when she is in a state of high emotion. Mei's parents explain that this transformation has been passed down through generations and that it needs to be sealed in a talisman during a ritual. Mei's friends discover her transformation and help her control it. They secretly raise money for concert tickets, exploiting Mei's red panda form. However, the concert falls on the same night as Mei's ritual. Mei decides to keep her powers and attends the concert, causing her mother to transform into a kaiju-sized red panda and disrupt the concert. Mei and her mother argue but eventually reconcile and mend their bond.
Kim's Convenience follows the life of a Korean-Canadian family who runs a convenience store in Toronto. The sitcom explores their struggles and successes as they navigate the challenges of running a business and dealing with cultural differences.
6teen is an animated TV show that follows the lives of six friends as they navigate the ups and downs of teenage life while working at a shopping mall in Canada. The show explores various themes including friendship, romance, and the challenges of growing up.
In the 90s, a Korean single mother raises her young son in Canada, determined to give him a better life than she had. She faces challenges related to racism, bullying, family conflict, and her own struggle with pancreatic cancer. The story explores themes of immigrant experience, reconciliation, and the complexities of family relationships.
Follows 29-year-old immigrant sex worker Debra, and her self-aware 10-year-old daughter Mona, as they embark on a journey of emancipation. Debra attempts to escape cycles of abuse and poverty while learning to become a more nurturing mother and discovering her own self-worth.
In Between Days is a coming-of-age drama that follows a Korean-Canadian teenager as she deals with the challenges of growing up in Toronto. The film explores themes of loneliness, isolation, and the complexities of identity, as the protagonist navigates her relationships with an absent father, her South Korean heritage, and her mother-daughter relationship.
Join the WWE Divas as they travel to Mexico for a thrilling adventure filled with action, documentary-style footage, and sports.
As the host country for the 2018 Winter Olympics, South Korea’s national ice hockey team was automatically given a spot in the Olympic hockey tournament. The team would play at the highest level for the first time, facing the top countries in the sport. The skill gap between them and their opponents was huge, as South Korea had just 180 professional hockey players. Failure and defeat weren’t acceptable results, as losing face is considered the worst thing that could happen in Korean culture. But how to avoid humiliation, when defeat seems certain?
A Korean Granddaughter faces guilt and shame as she reunites with her Halmeoni (Grandma) after immigrating away at a young age, having forgotten her mother tongue.
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