Quo Vadis is a historical drama film based on the novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The story follows a Roman general, Marcus Vinicius, who falls in love with a Christian woman, Lygia, during the reign of Emperor Nero. As Rome is engulfed in flames, Vinicius must navigate the political manipulations and moral dilemmas of the time. The film explores themes of love, courage, and religious persecution.
After being bullied and dealing with his own mental health issues, a high-school student finds solace in an online world where he can be free and escape reality. However, his virtual experiences begin to consume him, leading to a dangerous downward spiral.
One Touch of Venus tells the story of a department store clerk who accidentally brings a statue of the goddess of love to life. Chaos ensues as the clerk's girlfriend becomes jealous and a police detective tries to solve the mystery.
Joe is a twenty-something gay man who decides to film people he meets on the street with a camera given to him by his boyfriend.
Caught Looking sees a lonely gay man attempt to explore his sexual fantasies with the help of an interactive computer game, guiding his virtual reality persona through a series of potential encounters (naval rough trade, a moustachioed 'clone', a 50s muscle man) while offering wry commentary on the shifting landscape of queer cruising. But is it love he’s really looking for?
In the midst of a sexual awakening, a religious teen finally musters up the courage to kiss her crush, but will lust send her straight to h-e-double-hockey-sticks?
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