Heavy Traffic, released in 1973, is a provocative animated film that explores the gritty, surreal and dark aspects of life in a crime-ridden city. The story follows a young man named Michael who navigates through the treacherous streets while encountering a variety of eccentric and dangerous characters. From his dysfunctional family to encounters with mobsters, transvestites, and drug addicts, Michael’s journey becomes a reflection of the chaotic and often brutal urban life. The film uses animation techniques to create a visually striking and thought-provoking exploration of themes like sexuality, race, and violence.
Short that was shown during the "2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002)" which spoofs "Spider-Man (2002)". In it, Jack Black receives Spider-Man's powers and encounters Mary Jane Watson who is actually Wonder Woman. She invites him to her Invisible Jet.
Bluto builds a Popeye puppet and manipulates it to treat Olive rudely. Then he comes in and takes Olive away. When Popeye discovers the ruse, knocks Bluto out and ties puppet strings to him.
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