Kirby: Right Back at Ya! is an animated TV show based on the popular Nintendo video game character Kirby. The show follows Kirby as he battles the evil King Dedede to save Dream Land from destruction. Along the way, Kirby teams up with his friends and faces off against various monsters and aliens. With its mix of action, adventure, comedy, and fantasy, Kirby: Right Back at Ya! is a fun-filled animated series for the whole family.
Sonic is decipted in the series as a man out of a job and has a lack-of-income. So, Tails decides that he should earn money by working for third-party video games.
In this animated family TV movie, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo team up with Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends to protect the Fox Box from the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik and Shredder.
An educational short starring Mario and Kirby that teaches Japanese Kanji to young children.
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