Drama series follows the life Jang Yeong-Sil: a scientist, technician and inventor during the Joseon period. Jang Yeong-Sil was born in the lower class nobi. King Sejong notices his abilities and brings him to the palace. King Sejong grants him a chance to display his abilities. He invents tools like astronomical instruments, iron printing press and a water clock.
Tree with Deep Roots tells the story of King Sejong, the creator of the Korean alphabet, and a secret organization plotting to overthrow him. As the palace becomes a battleground for power struggles and assassins, a retired detective with a photographic memory sets out to uncover the truth behind a series of murders. Amidst the political conspiracy and palace intrigue, the drama explores themes of revenge, loyalty, and the fight for literacy in 15th-century Korea.
"The Great King, Sejong" is a full-scale political drama describing how King Sejong and his loyal retainers cooperate and contrive to make his dynasty a better place. While King Sejong was on the throne, the Joseon Dynasty enjoyed increasing prosperity. The drama shows the dramatic processes of how so many new cultural heritages have been devised. At that time, "Hangul", the native phonemic alphabet system for Korean language was first invented and introduced. Before it was made, Chinese characters had been used for a written communication, which makes it extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn and use. "Hangul" is easy to learn for its simple and scientific principles. Other than "Hangul" itself, there had been so many cultural heritages during his regime including a rain gauge, a sundial, an hourglass to name a few. Also, King Sejong’s pragmatic diplomacy is concentrated in the drama. Then, the Joseon Dynasty was facing a powerful Ming dynasty of China, and King Sejong demonstrates the essence of pragmatism with dignity.
The second installment in the 500 Years of Joseon Dynasty series covers the first half of the 15th Century, during the reign of King Sejong.
Splash Splash Love is a TV show about a high school student named Danbi who accidentally travels back in time to the Joseon Dynasty. She meets King Sejong and tries to adapt to life in the past while keeping her true identity a secret.
A true historical drama about King Sejong, the greatest ruler in Joseon history who sought to enhance national prosperity and military power through astronomy, and Jang Yeong-sil, the most remarkable scientist.
In the 15th century, despite so many accomplishments he has made for the people, King Sejong, his biggest goal is still remaining; the invention of original letters that can be read and written by all the people. But courtiers who want to dominate the knowledge and the power, are against his will and discourage his belief. Frustrated King Sejong hears about a bonze Sinmi a phonogram expert, and secretly brings him in the palace.
The movie depicts the three months before Choong-nyung (the future Sejong the Great) becomes king. The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which follows the history of the Joseon Dynasty between 1413 and 1865, leaves out records of this crucial period. While future generations would come to know him as King Sejong, the legendary figure who created the Korean alphabet and advanced the country’s scientific research and law, Prince Choong-nyung was originally dismissed as a reclusive bookworm. When his older brothers Yangnyeong and Hyoryeong fail to impress their father King Taejong, the king makes a royal command for Choong-nyung to become the next ruler of the kingdom instead.
In 15th-century Joseon Dynasty, a group of people led by King Sejong develop a powerful weapon known as the Divine Weapon. They use this weapon to protect their country from a Chinese invasion during a turbulent time in Korean history.
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