La Seine no Hoshi is an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire. It was created by Mitsuru Kaneko, and was directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was written by Sōji Yoshikawa, while the character designer was Akio Sugino. The music for the series was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi.
Set during the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette tells the story of the young queen struggling to navigate her role and the political turmoil of the time. As she faces challenges and betrayal, Marie must find a way to protect herself and her family.
Brought to Versailles as the companion of courtier D'Aigullon, former street waif Madame du Barry charms her way into the heart of gouty King Louis XV.
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