In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them and cause them to turn on each other...and him. Akira Kurosawa's treatment of King Lear, with three sons dealing with the passing of an era as their warlord father Lord Hidetora Ichimonji (Tatsuya Nakadai) tries to find peace in his last years by dividing his fief among them. While one honest son, Saburo Naotora Ichimonji (Daisuke Ryu), faces his family's wrath for speaking the truth, his two brothers, Taro Takatora Ichimonji (Akira Terao) and Jiro Masatora Ichimonji (Jinpachi Nezu) vie for power in the vacuum left by Hidetora's retirement. While Kyoami the Court Fool (Pîtâ) makes wise commentary, Hidetora discovers for himself the madness caused by his thirst for power, and tries to find redemption for his deadly past.
King Lear, an aging monarch, decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters based on their declarations of love for him. However, his misjudgment leads to a chain of events that result in madness, betrayal, and civil war.
King Lear, the aging king of Britain, decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. However, when he asks them to express their love for him, he is betrayed by two of them which leads to a series of tragic events. As Lear descends into madness, he realizes the true nature of his daughters and the consequences of his own actions.
King of Texas is a modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear set in Texas. John Lear, a wealthy cattle baron, decides to divide his empire among his three daughters. However, when his youngest daughter disobeys him, John spirals into madness and chaos ensues as greed, deception, and betrayal take center stage.
A faded actor is mistaken for a mix of surprise and shock. Using his acting skills, he becomes involved in the amateur theater and helps save the production.
A modern take on William Shakespeare's King Lear.
In the Liverpool docklands, an aging mob boss tries to pass his empire onto his reluctant daughter, but her loyalty is tested as a power struggle unfolds among rival factions.
Due to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, tens of thousands of Ukrainians, fleeing the war, found refuge in Uzhhorod in western Ukraine. The local director decides to attract non-professional actors -displaced people - in bringing his dream into life - to stage the King Lear play. The theatrical performance helps them find themselves and their purpose in a new world where there is war, and the director finds an answer to the eternal question of what love is and why this world should not perish.
A group of workers builds a bridge near a large dam. They get drunk with a visiting reporter, who falls into the river and disappears.
An irascible Shakespeare scholar with early onset dementia communicates with her caretaker daughter using the only language available to her, the text of King Lear, as the two struggle with aging, love, and their own balance of power.
A tragedy by William Shakespeare about King Lear who intends to abdicate, and therefore wants to carve the kingdom up between his three daughters.
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