Set during World War I, All the King's Men follows the journey of a disfigured soldier who becomes a war hero, only to face a moral dilemma when he uncovers the truth behind a mass execution. As he navigates through the web of secrets and betrayal, he must confront his own demons and find redemption.
Duke Turnbeau (David Soul) has come to England, in the 1930s, as a way to improve his fortunes. For some reason, he believes that his larcenous ways will bring him prosperity in the country which at one time or another has had rulership over a large portion of the globe. While there, he meets Rosie McCratchit (Pamela McMyler), a lovely Irish gal who could do with some improvement in her fortunes as well. Together, they have a series of legal, quasi-legal and definitely illegal adventures, including Duke's cow-roping and Rosie's response to the mud-wrestling challenge of the Amazon Lady, as well as an attempted armored-car robbery.
Wallis & Edward (2005) follows the captivating love story between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. Set in the 1930s, amidst the turmoil of a looming war, their relationship causes a scandal that shakes the British royal family and the entire nation. This costume drama explores themes of duty, sacrifice, and the price of love.
Learn how the longest reigning monarch in British history was shaped by World War II. Princess Elizabeth’s experiences during the war mirrored those of the public and helped shape her into the Queen she is today.
Boots is a young servant girl who polishes shoes in an English inn. She is an incurable romantic, addicted to melodramatic stories of love and adventure. When she discovers a Bolshevik plot to blow up a government official, she takes it on herself to foil the plot.
Delve into the fascinating story of the British royal family, the House of Windsor, from its origins in Anglo-Saxon times to the present day. Discover iconic monarchs, significant events, and the enduring legacy of the royal institution.
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