A group of explorers embarks on an archaeological expedition in Egypt, uncovering a prophecy and an ancient burial ground. As they delve deeper into the ruins, they encounter murder, sculptures, and a key to unlock the secrets of Osiris. The pharaoh's arrogance, a soldier, and a scientist join forces to face a legend that could change the course of history. Evil German exploitation takes hold as the group faces off against an alien death trap, wielding a wooden staff and relying on a telescope, a hookah, and a sexy dancer. They must solve the mystery of destroying a wall while using various tools like a mallet, an axe, and a flame-thrower. Insects pose a deadly threat, killing a member with a deadly bite. The fate of the explorers is sealed as they dig deeper into the ancient Egyptian secrets, encountering desiccated corpses, bearded men, and Egyptian mummies. Will the curse of the pharaoh prove true, or can destiny be changed? Find out in this thrilling movie with unexpected twists and a dash of the F-word.
In a research facility, a deadly infection caused by a mutated plant spreads rapidly, causing giant insects to grow and go on a violent rampage. A police detective and an entomologist must work together to stop the creatures before they escape the facility and spread further.
When a genetically modified locust escapes from a research center, it leads to an apocalypse as the monstrous insects wreak havoc on the world. As the world falls into chaos, a group of survivors must find a way to stop the locusts before they wipe out humanity.
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