Heli is a deeply disturbing film that follows the story of a young man named Estela who becomes entangled in a web of violence and corruption after his sister is kidnapped by a drug cartel. With a backdrop of police corruption, drug trafficking, and revenge, Heli depicts the dark and brutal reality of life in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Dr. Vicki Westin has no idea that losing a patient is going to wreak complete havoc on her life. But that's exactly what happens: Her deceased patient's grieving father seeks vengeance by kidnapping Vicki's husband and daughter.
On March 25, 1996, the publicist Jan Philipp Reemtsma is kidnapped. His son Johann and his wife Ann Kathrin witness how their home is transformed overnight into a police control center. Two police officers, the family’s lawyer and a close friend form a community of fate, united by their common goal of bringing Johann’s father home as quickly and unharmed as possible.
Shana's parents and sister are murdered after her father learns how to return to life after death. Shana is knowledgeable about said procedure, which is desired by foreign interests, who have even Shana's boyfriend helping them. Accounting for additional characters and footage is the fact that actress Shana is in the entertainment industry. So, Shana becomes both the pursuer - intent on avenging her family's deaths - and the pursued.
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