Blue Blink is a fantasy adventure anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The anime is based from classic film Konjok-gorbunok by Ivan Ivanov-Vano. The film in turn is based from Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov's The Little Humpbacked Horse. This was Tezuka's last anime series. Osamu Tezuka died while this series was in production. The studio completed the production according to his plans. The show is currently streaming at Anime Sols, but will soon be removed, because it did not meet its goal of crowd-funding the for DVD. It is alternately available for legal streaming at
On March 25, 1996, the publicist Jan Philipp Reemtsma is kidnapped. His son Johann and his wife Ann Kathrin witness how their home is transformed overnight into a police control center. Two police officers, the family’s lawyer and a close friend form a community of fate, united by their common goal of bringing Johann’s father home as quickly and unharmed as possible.
23 years after Jordan and Ted blow off Jeff's genitals with a firecracker, their dads are kidnapped and the boys are given 24 hours to sleep with 10 women or else... their dads will die!
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