Set in 16th-century Japan, Ugetsu tells the story of two men who leave their wives to pursue their respective dreams. One becomes a famous samurai, while the other becomes a successful potter. However, their desires soon lead them down a dark and tragic path, as they face the consequences of their choices. This black and white masterpiece explores themes of greed, ambition, and the devastating impact of war.
A young, struggling actress lands her dream role in a film by an emerging Italian director, starring alongside an American superstar. What begins as her big breakthrough quickly turns into a living hell.
The Match Factory Girl follows the story of Iris, a young woman working at a match factory in Helsinki, Finland. Amidst her monotonous and lonely life, she finds solace in a one-night stand that leads to an unplanned pregnancy. Facing rejection and abuse, Iris takes matters into her own hands and seeks revenge against those who have wronged her. Set in the backdrop of the 1980s, this film explores themes of isolation, desperation, and the dark side of human nature.
Norma Jean Baker finds her way to Hollywood and is turned into sex symbol Marilyn Monroe.
A documentary portrait of International Chrysis, a New York “show girl” and drag queen. Surreal herself, Chrysis was one of Salvador Dali’s inner circle, a woman from the waist up, a man from the waist down.
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