MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "katzenjammer-kids" theme.

Seal Skinners

Seal Skinners(1939)


A trained seal has escaped from the Jingling Brothers circus; there's a $100,000 reward. Both the Captain and John Silver hear this news, as does the seal. They show up, offering the seal a ride to wherever she wants to go; home to the arctic, as it happens. The Captain wins round one, grabbing the seal while John is engaged in a fight with yet another reward seeker.

Mama's New Hat

Mama's New Hat(1939)

Petunia Natural Park

Petunia Natural Park(1939)


As a narrator describes the scene, we watch the whole Katzenjammer clan camping in the park of the title, a composite of several national parks in the western USA. There are several spot gags, including Mama taking a picture of a bear and ending up being photographed by several bears. Mama has a run-in with the law for picking a flower; The Captain has his own for feeding a bear, which turns out to be a ranger/cop in disguise.

Old Smokey

Old Smokey(1938)


Engine Co. No. 1 is replacing faithful fire horse Old Smokey with a new engine, which Der Captain is very proud of. He soon gets a chance to test it, when his panicked wife calls; unfortunately, he's still learning how to use it. As he arrives, the ladder extends to its full range, with the Captain on top and most of the rungs missing.

Poultry Pirates

Poultry Pirates(1938)


The ducks and chickens next door eye the Captain's garden covetously through a poorly mended fence. The Captain, armed with a board, is standing guard (but not fixing the fence). He falls asleep, and the poultry attack, stripping the garden methodically. When the Captain comes after them, they lock him into a shed. He gets out, and fetches his shotgun. That stops them, and they drop their booty, until the Captain sets his gun down to collect the veggies; the birds all rush in, snatch them back.

Blue Monday

Blue Monday(1938)


The Captain, after much wrestling with his alarm clock, finally wakes up to discover there's no buttons (for suspenders) on his ding-busted pants. He chews out Mama; she tells him if he doesn't like the housekeeping, he can do it himself, and storms out. What follows is pretty much the usual bunch of man-keeping-house jokes: a voracious vacuum, an overflowing sink, crashing dishes, and a dozen crises at once. And still no buttons on the pants.

A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach(1938)


The whole family is at the beach for an outing, and each is having their own little adventure. The Captain fights the sun with his beach umbrella, in an attempt to nap. Grandpa tries to build a sand castle, but the waves keep wiping it out. Mama, after trying to defend her picnic basket, tries dipping a cautious toe into the big bad ocean, eventually needing to be rescued by the Captain.

The Winning Ticket

The Winning Ticket(1938)


John Silver's ship has been repossessed; the Captain and the Kids have won $100,000 in a lottery. Silver dresses as an old lady and pretends to faint on the Captain's porch. He is taken inside and soon finds the winning ticket. Meanwhile, the kids spotted him outside and dress themselves as a young lady and come on to Silver, eventually handcuffing him to a batch of fireworks.

What a Lion!

What a Lion!(1938)


The Captain and Inspector are hunting lions in Africa, though their attempts to sneak up are hampered by alarm clocks and squeaky shoes. Fortunately, there's a lion ready for them: it's the boys, dressed in a lion costume, with an "ah-ooga" horn for the roar. They're soon chasing the Captain, when their costume gets stuck and pulled off. The captain comes in to the costume after them, but the boys manage to tie him up. Before long they've run into a real (sleeping) lion. They provoke it (in costume), and get its head stuck in a hollow log. Then they go taunt the Captain again and bring him over to the log, where the lion is still stuck; he whacks it with a board and pulls it out, then tries to remove the costume when the boys walk up behind him. The inevitable chase starts slowly, then speeds into a cave.

The Captain's Pup

The Captain's Pup(1938)


The mangiest pup at Pete's Pooch Palace catches the Captain's eye. He takes it home, but Mama is less than thrilled; she forbids it to stay in the house. The Captain pretends to put it out, but hides it under his coat. At the dinner table, though, it is soon exposed. Confined to the back yard, the dog howls the night away. The Captain is sent outside to quiet it, but is too tired to make it out the door. He finally gets there and sneaks the dog back inside to his own bed.

Cleaning House

Cleaning House(1938)


Mama has everyone working on spring cleaning, or so she thinks; in fact, everyone's slacking off in various ways. The Captain is the only one to get caught and face her wrath, though. To escape, he fakes illness, but the boys catch him at it. Mama calls the doctor; the boys intercept him and impersonate him. They get revealed, but so does the Captain, and Mama puts him to work doing everyone's job.

The Pygmy Hunt

The Pygmy Hunt(1938)


The Captain runs a safari business. He sets off to catch a live pygmy, with help from a tracking dog, but the dog isn't the world's most efficient, distracted first by some flowers, then when he actually encounters a pygmy, by the bone in his hair. Ultimately, he buries the pygmy; the Captain comes chasing along. With this crew, the pygmy's in no danger. Eventually, the pygmy swaps clothes with the Inspector; he runs off and grabs his whole tribe, and the safari crew takes off.

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure(1938)


While the Captain is fishing, the kids plant a treasure map on his hook. The rather dim Captain follows it to the island, where the kids have made it easy for him to find what they've prepared. But what they weren't prepared for was Long John Silver, who's followed the Captain, and kidnaps him and the treasure chest. The kids head for Silver's ship to help the Captain.

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katzenjammer kids

Explore a collection of movies and TV shows that showcase the mischievous adventures of the "Katzenjammer kids". Immerse yourself in the hilarious antics of these iconic characters and experience the chaos they bring to their surroundings. Discover comedic masterpieces filled with timeless humor and unforgettable pranks.

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