Funan is a gripping animated movie that depicts the harrowing experiences of a family in Cambodia during the rule of the Khmer Rouge. It follows a young mother's journey to reunite with her son after they are forcibly separated by the regime. The film portrays the hardships they endure, including starvation, forced labor, and constant fear of death. Despite the overwhelming challenges, the family's determination to survive and be reunited keeps their hope alive.
Vixna and her two children are lured from the safety of Paris by her husband, a officer in Pol Pot's army, back to Cambodia where they undergo brainwashing and enslavement by the Khmer Rouge.
CAMBODIA: THE PRINCE AND THE PROPHECY explores the years of Prince Norodom Sihanouk’s rule, his juggling for peace, his charisma and contradictions. Following the Prince’s overthrow in 1970, the film traces Cambodia’s destruction during the five years of war before Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge came to power and launched their revolution… As a central theme, the film and its sequel CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA feature exclusive interviews with Prince Sihanouk, and focus on his pivotal role in shaping Cambodia’s fate.
Exil is a visionary narration of the exile of Cambodians during the Red Khmer regime, during which the country was renamed Democratic Kampuchea.
In a tale of drama and adventure, young journalist Andy Cameron (Robert Walker) has to get into Cambodia (it is assumed this is during the genocidal reign of Pol Pot). Cameron has to smuggle out his girlfriend Mieng (Nit Alisa) before she is killed (along with the other two million Cambodians), but he cannot manage this alone. He enlists the aid of an American Vietnam vet and the help of a few Khmer men. Eventually, Cameron makes his way into Cambodia where he encounters many dangers, some human and some inhuman.
Left for dead in Vietnam, Lieutenant Cotter became a guinea pig for KGB baddie Mitovitch. Implanted with a mind control microchip, he is turned into a mindless killer. His colleague Lieutenant Sanders goes looking for him in Cambodia, then in El Salvador, where they kill pretty much everyone they meet.
CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA draws on unique propaganda film and archival material from the Khmer Rouge, Vietnam and other sources. This is set against the grim realities of the Kampuchean tragedy. As a continuing theme, the film features exclusive interviews with Prince Sihanouk, who offers explanations for and insights into the role he has played in the fate of his luckless country. This definitive film study delves to the roots of the conflict, making sense of the madness, the politics and contradictions. It captures the epic spirit and passions of a people when a whole world is overturned.
The film directed by V. Starošas tells about Angkor, a huge complex of temples, palaces, water reservoirs and canals in Cambodia, built in the jungle in the 9th-13th centuries.
Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett reported the Vietnam War from the perspective of the North Vietnamese. For this he was reviled as a traitor and a communist in the Australian media. He had been the first journalist into Hiroshima after the atom bomb, and he covered wars in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Filmmaker David Bradbury interviews Burchett in his later years and intercuts the interview with archival footage and still photographs. Burchett is seen in newsreel coverage and in footage taken by the North Vietnamese. Archival footage of the Vietnam War and newsreel footage of Hiroshima after the atom bomb enrich the documentary.
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