Kamen Rider Outsiders is a TTFC-exclusive series serving as a crossover between various Kamen Rider series. Immediately following the abrupt ending of Kamen Rider Genms -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-, multiple Kamen Riders fight against the villainous schemes of a returning Foundation X and Zein.
With the collapse of ZAIA Enterprise Japan, Gai Amatsu establishes a new company with a presidential aide model Humagear, Rin. Suddenly, something happens to his body, and Kuroto Dan emerges! The Bugster Virus, which was wandering the internet, was revived by Ark and infected Gai!
A group of revived beast-themed Riders gather to form the "Beast Rider Squad"... and Kamen Rider Ouja, the worst villain Rider, is leading them! Can Kamen Rider Brave hunt them with his new Gashat, "Knight of Safari"? And what is the secret behind this battle?
Amatsu Gai's journey to learn more about Genm Corp. has its consequences when he faces a revived Kuroto Dan once again.
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