Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love is a passionate tale that explores the intricacies of love, desire, and self-discovery in 16th-century India. The story revolves around two childhood friends, Maya and Tara, who are trained in the art of lovemaking and the Kama Sutra. As they grow up, their paths diverge, leading them to navigate through secrets, betrayal, and forbidden passions. The film beautifully captures the rich cultural heritage of India and portrays the complexities of human relationships.
After his entire department is outsourced, Todd Anderson travels to India to train his replacement and experiences culture shock and unexpected love along the way.
Power, invincibility and immortality are just some of the things desired by those who wish to "rule the world". Allowing this to corrupt, is what leads to one taking the path of darkness, from which there is no return... such is the story of TANTRICA
Before his visit to the "The Kamasutra Garden", William, had never been to a brothel. The girls were young, beautiful and every man's fantasy. However, William soon discovered the complex lives and secrets of the women who worked there.
Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool… Very few men would be up to the challenge!
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