Meerkat Manor is a captivating documentary TV show that follows the lives of meerkats living in the Kalahari Desert. It showcases their struggles for survival, power struggles within the meerkat group, and the intimate family relationships among the meerkats. The show provides insights into their hunting techniques, the dynamics of their social structure, and the challenges they face in their harsh habitat.
A Far Off Place is a thrilling adventure movie set in the African desert. After witnessing the murder of their parents, a young girl and a teenage boy must escape the killer and find their way to safety. Together, they face various obstacles such as hunger, thirst, and dangerous animals. With the help of newfound friends and their survival instincts, they navigate through treacherous landscapes and encounter thrilling adventures. The movie explores themes of friendship, courage, and the power of human resilience.
In the harsh Kalahari Desert, families of different species rely on each other to survive during a worsening dry season.
The Meerkats (2008) is a captivating documentary that takes viewers into the heart of the Kalahari Desert, where a family of meerkats struggle for survival. This heartwarming film showcases the ups and downs of their daily lives, their unwavering loyalty towards each other, and the challenges they face in their harsh environment. Through stunning cinematography and captivating storytelling, The Meerkats (2008) provides a unique and intimate look into the fascinating world of these endearing creatures.
Follow filmmakers as they capture the epic journey of African elephants across the Kalahari desert. The team faces extreme weather, inaccessible terrain, crocodile-infested waters and close encounters with lions in order to shine a light on these remarkable creatures and their ancient migrations.
A great flood arrives in a desert kingdom, transforming a dustbowl into a vast and lush wetland, in one of the most diverse habitats on earth. This breath-taking blue-chip natural history film is a journey through Okavango’s seasons, seen through the eyes of an indigenous River Bushman. Our storyteller guides us through the course of Okavango’s flood and into a savage drought, interweaving intimate and spectacular wildlife stories. The arrival and disappearance of precious water determines the destiny of the millions of animals that call Okavango home. For many, the flood is a lifeline. For others, it brings the greatest challenges. Everyone lives or dies by this epic event. It is the heartbeat of the Kalahari.
Renowned wildlife filmmaker Gordon Buchanan gets close to wild cheetah in the stunning Kalahari, experiencing first hand the very real dangers these beautiful big cats face.
Sexy supermodels Tyra Banks, Valeria Mazza, Kathy Ireland, Stacey Williams, Ingrid Seynhaeve, Rebecca Romijn, Angie Everhart, Manon von Gerkan and newcomer Georgianna Robertson hit South Africa for the 1996 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Desert Nights is a silent film that tells the story of a group of jewel thieves who become stranded in the Kalahari Desert during a desert expedition. As they struggle to survive in the harsh desert conditions, tensions rise and alliances are tested. The thieves soon discover a diamond mine in the desert and plan a heist, but their plans are thwarted by deception, betrayal, and the deadly nature of the desert. Will they be able to escape the desert and secure their stolen diamonds? Find out in this thrilling desert adventure.
Breaking away from convention, this family went on a five year journey to find a new perspective on life. Their life with tribal communities around the world has led to a thought-provoking cinematic experience of ancient, earthly wisdom.
Tchai is the word used by Ju/'hoansi to describe getting together to dance and sing; n/um can be translated as medicine, or supernatural potency. In the 1950's, when this film was shot, Ju/'hoansi gathered for "medicine dances" often, usually at night, and sometimes such dances lasted until dawn.
A captivating documentary that follows the remarkable life of a hunter living in the Kalahari Desert, showcasing the extraordinary skills required for subsistence living and tracking in this harsh environment.
N!ai, The Story of a !Kung Woman is a documentary film that tells the story of a !Kung woman living in the Kalahari Desert. The film explores her experiences, struggles, and the challenges she faces in the harsh desert environment. It provides a glimpse into the life of the !Kung people and their traditional way of life, highlighting the importance of community, survival, and cultural traditions.
Bounding from one continent to another, from desert to jungle, this early mondo documentary examines the habits and customs of people whose lives are unaffected by the modern world. In New Guinea, director Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau's crew spends time with jungle villagers who honor the deceased by preserving their corpses, and in Africa they film the resourceful people of the Kalahari. Other subjects include a Brazilian community whose male members wear lip-stretching jewelry.
Women from three separate Ju/'hoan bands have gathered at a mangetti grove at !O to play an intense game in which under-tones of social and personal tensions become apparent.
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