Crime School is a crime drama about a group of boys who are sent to a reform school after getting involved in criminal activities. The story follows their journey as they face brutality and corruption within the school while also trying to find redemption and rebuild their lives. With themes of juvenile crime, inner-city youth, and criminal rehabilitation, Crime School explores the challenges and hardships faced by young individuals in the criminal justice system.
A court case ensues when a 47-year old man is caught with a 15-year old girl, and he claims he never knew she was so young.
A Juvenile Court judge relates to Edie--a young girl who is appearing before him because she ran away from home with a boy who promised to marry her--the things that happen to teenagers who don't listen to their parents or other authority figures. He shows her cases where young girls have been assaulted, raped and murdered because their parents were too permissive and let them have jobs outside the home, or the girls were too defiant and thought they were "too sophisticated" for their own good. Then, to show his compassion and concern for Edie--who by this time has been reduced to a bawling, quivering wreck--he throws her in a juvenile detention hellhole for three months so she can think about "whether showing off is worth a lifetime of regrets!"
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