Baby Take a Bow is a heartwarming melodrama set during the Great Depression. It tells the story of a young girl named Shirley and her ex-convict father who struggle with poverty and false accusations. In an attempt to clear his name, the father becomes involved in a robbery, leading to a series of events that test their love and determination. With themes of redemption, reformation, and the power of family, this film explores the challenges faced by those living in dire straits during a tumultuous time in history.
A mannequin in the city dump improvises a working piano from junk, then plays and sings the title song. Various discarded items join in with song or dance.
In this comedy short, a man frustrated with the high prices of cars decides to build his own car from scratch. With no engineering or automotive skills, he encounters a series of comical challenges and mishaps along the way. Will he succeed in creating his dream car?
Casey is a slovenly junk man in a turn of the twentieth century hick town who has a remarkable ability to play baseball. An unscrupulous New York scout signs him up, so Casey and his equally dishonest manager go to the big leagues. Eventually, the scout and manager conspire to get him drunk and bet against him for a crucial game with the pennant at stake.
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