Carrie White, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior prom. The film follows Carrie as she navigates her tumultuous relationship with her mother, deals with bullying at school, and ultimately seeks revenge on those who have wronged her. The plot explores themes of isolation, power, and the consequences of cruelty.
During the Whitney High School student government election, a rich man’s son tries to pay his way into office with promises of new athletic uniforms. His desperate competitors decide to stage a series of song and dance spectacles to try to garner votes.
This comedy/drama was written by Jean Shepherd, who appears at the beginning and the end and narrates it through voiceover. It tells the story of several events as they occur through the eyes of Ralph, a high-school-aged boy. Ralph is anticipating the upcoming prom and is working up the courage to invite Daphne Bigelow, a beautiful and popular student who does not seem aware of his existence.
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