Little Man Tate tells the story of a seven-year-old boy named Fred, who displays exceptional mathematical abilities and is considered a child prodigy. As his intelligence becomes more evident, Fred's mother struggles to balance her desire for her son to lead a normal childhood with providing him with the educational opportunities he needs. The movie explores themes of rejection, classism, and the challenges faced by gifted children in society.
Max is a dog trained to detect explosives in Afghanistan. When his handler is killed in action, Max is sent back to the U.S. where he is adopted by his handler's family. As Max helps the family cope with their loss, he uncovers a dangerous plot involving illegal arms trade and must use his skills to protect his new family.
Head Full of Honey follows the story of a young girl and her grandfather as they embark on a road trip across Italy, encountering a series of misadventures and heartwarming moments along the way. The film explores themes of family, aging, and the beauty of growing old gracefully.
Skylark is a touching movie about a family living in rural Kansas, facing challenges such as drought, famine, and a devastating barn fire. The story revolves around the bond between a stepmother and her stepchildren, as well as the love and resilience of the family in the face of adversity.
Coded tells the story of illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, whose legacy laid the foundation for today's out-and-proud LGBTQ advertisements.
Unbranded is a documentary film that follows four friends who embark on a daring adventure to capture and tame wild mustangs. Their journey takes them through stunning landscapes, including national parks and the US-Mexico border. Along the way, they encounter challenges such as being kicked by a horse and dealing with torn muscles. The film also explores the relationship between cowboys and cowboys, as well as the beauty of nature and wildlife.
The McConnell Story is a drama film that follows the life of Joseph C. McConnell Jr., an American aviator and war hero. From being an army private to becoming an air force captain, McConnell's story showcases his dedication, bravery, and sacrifices during the Korean War. The plot explores his achievements as a jet fighter pilot, his personal relationships, and the tragic ending that befell him. The film also highlights his record-breaking accomplishments and his contribution to the United States Air Force.
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