In Redbelt, a jujitsu instructor finds himself drawn into the world of mixed martial arts fighting, where he must navigate a series of challenges including a set-up, financial difficulty, and a cover-up. As he struggles to maintain his integrity, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of deception and must fight to protect his livelihood and reputation.
Tom Mack falls in love with fashion designer Leila Linna. Romance develops, with a little diamond smuggling to keep things interesting.
In this action-packed movie set in Wales, a vampire hunter with supernatural powers must use his martial arts skills to take on a group of deadly vampires. With the help of his twin brother and a skilled archer, he sets out on a mission to rid the world of evil and restore justice. Along the way, they encounter ancient martial arts techniques, ninja warriors, and a battle between good and evil. Will they be able to defeat the vampires and save humanity?
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