The Chosen is a drama TV show based on biblical stories, particularly focusing on the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. It explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of faith. Set in 1st-century Palestine during the Roman Empire, the show delves into the historical and cultural context of the time. Through its compelling narrative, The Chosen offers a fresh perspective on well-known biblical events and characters.
Jesus Christ Superstar is a rock opera that tells the story of the final weeks in the life of Jesus Christ, including his betrayal by Judas Iscariot, his trial and crucifixion. Set in ancient Rome, the musical explores Jesus' relationships with his disciples, particularly Mary Magdalene, and the tensions between him and high priest Caiaphas. The story ultimately leads to Jesus' crucifixion and its aftermath. Through powerful songs and performances, Jesus Christ Superstar offers a unique and contemporary interpretation of the biblical story.
In 'The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice,' a librarian embarks on a dangerous quest to find the Judas Chalice, a mystical artifact with the power to bring back vampires. Along the way, he faces off against vampire-human love, a duel with swords, and a thrilling sword-fight. This action-packed adventure also features comedy, romance, and elements of fantasy. Get ready for a thrilling ride as the librarian explores New Orleans and encounters various challenges and surprises.
The life of Jesus from the beginning of his ministry, his miracles, the Sermon on the Mount and his death on the cross.
Jesus (1999) is a TV mini-series that depicts the life of Jesus Christ, his teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. It explores his relationships with John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Barabbas, Salome, and other characters. The series also delves into the political and religious conflicts of ancient Rome and the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. This compelling drama portrays the key moments and teachings of Jesus' life, highlighting his impact on both his followers and his enemies.
Mary, Mother of Jesus is a dramatic movie based on the life of the Virgin Mary and her journey as the mother of Jesus. It explores her love for her son, her struggles as a mother, and the sacrifices she made for him. The movie also delves into the religious and historical context of the time, including the crucifixion of Jesus and the events surrounding it.
Mary Magdalene, a notorious harlot, must choose between her lascivious lifestyle and the love and affection of her decent-minded brother.
Pilate and the Roman legate Veturius look on worriedly as Jesus is celebrated as the new messiah in Jerusalem, fearing an uprising. Veturius decides to have Jesus arrested as soon as a suitable opportunity presents itself. Judas is delighted by the reception Jesus is receiving, and quickly wants to win over the influential merchants to the cause which would make him the king and the liberator of the Jews.
Leaves from Satan's Book follows the intertwining stories of various characters who face betrayal, lust, and temptation in different historical periods, from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution.
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the legendary album that reinvented musical theater for the modern age, this global blockbuster tells the story of the final days in the life of Jesus Christ, from the perspective of Judas. Filled with an exciting mix of musical styles that draw upon rock, gospel, folk and funk themes, this production will be infused with a live on-stage “rockestra”, high-energy dance and powerful storytelling
Was Judas Iscariot, the apostle whose kiss sentenced Jesus Christ to the crucifix, a patriot who argued with Jesus or a pawn of the Roman occupiers? The story of the Passion from a different angle, with Judas doing what he believed was best for his people.
The Redeemer, released in 1959, tells the story of Jesus Christ, from his birth to his crucifixion and resurrection. It explores his teachings, miracles, and the challenges he faced. The movie portrays the love, sacrifice, and redemption offered by Jesus to humanity.
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
An innovative approach in retelling the tale of Judas Iscariot, known for his biblical betrayal of Jesus when he disclosed his whereabouts for 30 pieces of silver. About to die, Judas reflects on his life and his relationship with Jesus and the disciples.
Standard retelling of the the Gospels, with a brief epilogue about the death of Mary.
Johnny Cash appears in and narrates this retelling of the story of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.
The final days of Jesus from the time he enters the city of Jerusalem. Viewed as a threat, it is decided that he must be captured, tried, and executed as a criminal, a plan aided and abetted by disciple Judas Iscariot.
The greatest trick Jesus ever pulled, was being incredibly jacked and full of rage, and just like that... he was gone.
Two opposing gangs. Two individuals from either side of the dispute. In Judas, watch as they come together and share a moment during a seemingly innocent game of basketball.