Gacy is a disturbing biographical film that delves into the life and crimes of the notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Known as the 'Killer Clown,' Gacy terrorized his victims, luring young boys to his home and subjecting them to unimaginable horrors. The film explores his abusive childhood, his double life as a respected community member, and the investigation that eventually led to his arrest.
Dahmer vs. Gacy is a comedic horror movie that pits the infamous serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy against each other. When a group of college students stumble upon an old VHS tape featuring the two killers, they soon find themselves trapped in a twisted game of cat and mouse. As the body count rises, the lines between reality and fiction blur, and the two killers become locked in a battle for supremacy. With dark humor and plenty of gore, Dahmer vs. Gacy is a must-watch for fans of both comedy and horror.
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