The Autograph Hound is a comedy animation short film. The story revolves around an autograph hound who tries to collect signatures from famous celebrities, leading to humorous encounters. It features popular characters like Charlie McCarthy, Donald Duck, and Shirley Temple. The film is set in Hollywood in the 1930s and showcases the world of celebrities and autograph collecting.
Flip is the owner of a brand new drug store, and you'd think it was the Academy Awards night. There is a spotlight, a red carpet and a list of celebrities that all show up for this momentous occasion.
In this Broadway Brevities short, a stunt double is hit on the head and imagines himself in a series of movie scenes with doubles for various stars.
Seeing Stars is a hilarious animated short film from 1932 that showcases the comedic talents of the Marx Brothers. The film follows the misadventures of the famous comedy trio, Groucho, Chico, and Harpo Marx, as they navigate a series of laugh-out-loud situations. Full of witty banter, physical comedy, and clever gags, Seeing Stars is a must-watch for fans of the Marx Brothers and classic animation.
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