"My Father My Lord" is an intimate and deeply disturbing story of the conflict between a father's love and his deep devotion to religion. A respected Orthodox Rabbi dotes on his only son but his religious strictures leave an emotional gap between the impish child and the stern father. When the father's all-consuming obsession with observing religious ritual inadvertently leads to tragedy, his previously subservient wife rages against both her husband and God. A dramatic retelling of the story of Abraham.
Derrida's Elsewhere is a documentary that delves into the life and groundbreaking ideas of French philosopher Jacques Derrida. It examines his contributions to philosophy, psychology, language, Jewish studies, French history, critical thinking, literature, and art. The film offers a deep exploration of Derrida's intellectual legacy and his impact on various disciplines.
A young Jewish student delves deep into the history and culture of Judaism, focusing on the lives of Hasidic Jews. Through his research and exploration, he learns about the rich heritage and traditions of the Jewish community.
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